Saturday, July 26, 2008

Aunt Pat's Memories

I will never forget Gary:
Gary was the funniest kid I know. I remember when he filled soda cans with acytelene lit it and blew the window boxes off the house. He was always into something. Remember the time he got into the mini bike accident with Jimmy Beck? I can still hear that chuckle he had when he told you a story. He would always end his stories with a chuckle as he was walking away. When he would see me he would always say "Hey Aunt Pat how're doing?" When I first moved to Florida my car was brand new - only about 2000 miles on it and when I was down Helen & Jack's Gary came over and the first thing he wanted to do was change the oil in my car. There are so many things I remember - some of which have already been written about. I remember that time when he ate the neighbors cakes. I also remember the time he had to be taken to the hospital because he drank corn remover!! Talking about his repairs and inventions that grill he made is awesome. He was such a sincere guy - no wonder so many people loved him. He made so many people laugh.
Gary's Aunt Pat

1 comment:

craig319 said...

I remember that Pat! I remember Mom taking him next door to the Conreys because Jane Conrey was a nurse. The Conreys also referred to Gary as "The Towhead". If I remember correctly he ended up at Lower Bucks hospital to have his stomach pumped.