Monday, October 12, 2009

I Just came across these photos, I forgot about them. Jack came down from Michigan and was able borrow a sailboat, Jack, Gary and I went sailing from the Banana River out into the ocean. It was a very calm day on the ocean and we had a nice sail. We went through the locks on the barge canal under the draw bridge at the Air Force Base, through the Port and out into the ocean. We sailed down to Cocoa Beach then back home, a nice days sail.
Cocoa beach from the ocean
In the port

Jack & Me

Jack & Gary

Jack & Gary bridge opening

In the locks

Going into the locks

Going into the locks

Captain Jack giving orders

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Every day things I do still remind me of Gary

Every day things I do still remind me of Gary.
Today I opened a bag of cheddar corn chips, as I was eating them and got closer to the bottom of the bag I remembered Gary loved Vinegar & Salt potato chips. He used to open them from the bottom because he said the most flavor was down there. When you get down the bottom which used to be the top, all the flavor left in the bag had dropped there. It works.

We had spaghetti for dinner, it reminded me that Gary liked to put everything between two pieces of bread or in a roll. When he would stop here on his way home from work Mom would always ask him to stay for dinner, if we were having spaghetti he would make a sandwich of it.

Today I was cutting the grass, when I was using the edger and weed whacker I remembered that Gary bought them both at yard sales and gave then to me. Whenever Gary was at yard sales and saw something that he thought Helen or I would want or need he would buy them and bring them over to us.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cindy said...
I will never forget the day that I got the news of Gary's death. I was at the Bill Rice Ranch in TN and my mom called around 10pm. We were in the middle of doing evening devotions and I kept hearing my phone buzz as I had it on vibrate. Never, ever did I expect to hear the news that was delivered. All I remember is screaming at the top of my lungs and dropping to the ground. I couldn't all!!! No one could ever understand this, but Gary was more like a brother (all of my cousins are more like siblings) to me than a cousin. I think of Gary all the time. I have his picture on my refrigerator and I will never forget him. The hardest thing for me is to have to watch my daughter day after day. Angela LOVED Gary. He made such an impact on her. To this date, she gets very mad if anyone even talks about the events of his death. Gary's death has changed my daughter forever. Darryl changed many lives with one bad decision. Aunt Helen and Uncle Jack, we pray for you all the time. We love you so much and cannot even begin to understand the pain and hurt you deal with on a day to day basis. The only good thing is that we know we will see him again one day. As far as anyone questioning your Christianity, they obviously are not familiar with the Bible and scripture. All they are doing is trying to justify the acts of a selfish and cowardly person. Amanda, I am glad that you check this blog every few days so that you can learn how your father impacted the lives of others. You are in my prayers also. Well I guess I have rambled on long enough. Gary I love you and miss you. We have lost you here on earth, but I like to look at it as your first anniversary on the streets of gold walking with our Saviour Jesus Christ.
June 24, 2009 2:01 PM

This is a comment from Mike Mycek's son, Mike was one of Gary's best friends.
alex mycek said...
Gary was an amazing guy.
I'm 14 years old and I've never EVER seen my dad (Mike Mycek) cry .It was heartbreaking for him .I pray for Gary every night . I wonder how he's doing in heaven .I remember when he lived in Delaware , my dad and I used to visit him all the time .They both got along very well , being grease monkeys & all . lol .My dad would call him atleast once a week . He'd never forget about him even after he moved hundred of miles away to Florida .I have no comment about Darryl's actions though .My mother and I were just talking about Darryl today . I hate bringing anything about Gary up around my dad , but I asked him about Darryl as a kid .He said Darryl went to church all the time . After he grew up everything kind of went down hill .He said he remembers a fewdays before Darryl got out of jail , Gary called him telling him about the movement of the guns .My dad was heartbroken when Sharon called him telling him the news .Just yesterday my dad said "Knowing Gary , I'd think any way of him dying would be a car crash or motorcycle accident. The way he died was the last way I'd think of him passing away"I think I've said enough . But I know all of you miss him along with my family . I'll be praying for him in heaven along with all of the Kenney family.
Love,Alex Mycek

goodandprofitable said...
Dad,Thanks for the moving blog post. I thought of Gary on several occasions when we were there for vacation. When we drove past the go-cart/arcade I remembered when Gary took me and Jeremy there, he gave the kids what seemed to be an endless supply of quarters. I pray for God's sustaining grace for you and Mom, and I will be praying especially hard over the next week.
June 9, 2009 10:08 AM

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

One Year Anniversary of Gary's Murder

One Year Anniversary of Gary’s Murder
June 16th will be the one year anniversary of Gary’s murder. The last time I saw Gary alive was Father’s Day June 15th. I’ll never forget that Fathers Day. This year Fathers Day falls on June 21st. Fathers day will be a reminder of Gary for the rest of my life.
I thought I would be over Gary’s murder by this time, but I’m not.
Every time I am out in my car going somewhere and I see a place where Gary and I stopped for some reason, I think of Gary .
When I go past the Jumping Flea Market on Rt. 1, I remember Gary and me going there almost every Saturday after we went to the yard sales.
When I see some debris on the side of the road I think, Gary would stop and see what that is.
Different neighborhoods had a different meaning to Gary, he never forgot where he had gotten some bargain, and always wanted to go to yard sales there.
When I drive down A1A, I look at the Dunkin-Donuts and remember, Gary picked me up after one of the hurricanes and we drove around looking at the damage, he stopped at Dunkin-Donuts and they came out and told him not to park there as the mansard roof was coming off and it might fall on his truck, I remember this every time I pass that Dunkin-Donuts.
When we go to Port Canaveral I remember Gary taking Jack and me out fishing in his jet boat and wanting to go out into the ocean in that little boat, I talked him out of that one.
Every time I see a motorcycle like Gary’s coming down Rt. 3 from the Space center in the afternoon or when I‘m at the pool and hear a motorcycle come into the park, I still think or look to see if it’s Gary.
Every time there’s something wrong with my car I think, Gary would have that fixed by now.
Sometimes I get depressed when I think of these things, then I turn to the Lord who lost his son for no reason except for the love of sinful men, and say thanks Lord to the for the time you gave me with Gary.
Psm 30:12 To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever.
Joel 2:26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.
Gary’s Dad
A comment from Amanda;
I do that too: whenever I pass a motorcycle anywhere on the island actually, I always, always look to see if it's him. Well, I know it isn't I just want it to be so bad so I'll find something similar like "dads helmet was that color.." Or i pulled up next to this much older guy who looked was looking cool on his motorcycle like one dad had and he sat there and revved it like a hot shot the whole time to remind all the other cars what he had and that he would be out of there as soon as that light was green. Definitely dad. :)August 7, 2009 5:16 AM

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Gary at Amanda's Graduation

You can see how troubled he is.

Gary, Ron & Craig at 50th anniversary party at Lobster Shanty.

Gary, Me and his Brothers at Our 50th Anniversary

If you would, please leave a comment or just your name when you visit.
I would like to know who visits.
Thanks, Gary's Dad

Look at the difference in Gary in these two pictures, he was going through a lot of family problems in the last days of his life.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Pictures of Gary


Gary [King of the house] and me talking in his family room

Were coming back from looking at the sailboat we're on Wayne's dock.

Al Harpers wife Jenny visiting Gary.

The last vehicle Gary bought for Darryl, before this one he had bought an older Mercury that Darryl wrecked and abanded at the side of the road gary had to junk it, this truck Darryl left home with and it was never seen again. No one knows what happened to it.

Gary taking Helen and me to Port Canaveral to go on a cruise.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I received this e-mail from a young man that Gary was friends of their family when he lived in Delaware, they went to the same Church we all went to, First Baptist Church of Frederica.
It is so nice I asked his permission to post it on the Blog.


Hello. I hope you and your family are doing well. I was deeply saddened to hear of Gary's death. He was an admirable person and somebody who I will always remember for his kindness and distinct personality. I feel it is safe to say that the entire Rowley family would agree with me.

Gary although he probably did not know it, was a huge influence in my life as a teenager. My family attended church in Frederica the same time as Gary. Gary and my Father Bob Rowley were friends. My father often consulted with Gary when he needed advice on things like do-it-yourself auto repairs or small engine fixes. Gary always seemed to know what was wrong where others were stumped and was always willing to help. As a teenager I was impressed with his knowledge of such things and took an interest in trying to fix things myself. Many years later I am still an amature but credit what I do know to Gary. My father bought me my first car when I was 16 and it needed a few very expensive repairs. The repairs them self would cost more money in labor than the car was worth. Gary agreed to fix the car provided we got the parts he needed. A new clutch, timing belt and various other things and my first car was ready for the inspection lane. I learned two things from Gary that day. The first is that he probably had better things to do with his time than to be fooling around with my junk car yet he helped anyway. When I am able to help somebody and am not sure if I am willing I always think of how Gary fixed my first car. The second I learned that day was not to be afraid to try things myself. Two years later I joined the Air Force and spent 4 1/2 years fixing the C-5's at Dover Air Force Base. The picture in the photo on your blog my be a plane that I later did work on. It is reasonable to say that Gary indirectly worked on those aircraft through inspiring me to do it. Who knows how many other people that Gary inspired or influenced. Things like that don't always come to be discovered but I believe there are probably many other people who have similar memories of Gary. I ran into Gary a few times though out the years I was stationed in Delaware. I was always happy to see him. If there is anything I can ever do to help a friend or family member of Gary's please do not hesitate to let me know.


Brent Rowley
Havelock, NC

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Gary’s Birthday
January 22nd 2009 would have been Gary’s 51st birthday, it’s been about seven months since he was murdered, you were a good son Gary.
In this picture it looks like Gary’s celebrating his eleventh birthday.
Happy Birthday Gary, Love Mom & Dad.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


The last time I saw Gary Alive, Sunday June 15th [Fathers Day], Gary made arrangements to meet us [Helen and Me] at Sonny’s Barbeque on Merritt Island to give me my fathers day gift, with his family. We had a pleasant lunch and met others whom we know from church and had fellowship with them. Gary did not know that Darryl was out of prison, we didn’t know either, the only time I locked my doors when I went out was when Darryl was out of prison. I do now, my life has been changed for the worse.Helen asked sharon if she had heard from Darryl, she said "no".Monday June 16th Helen went into the closet to get something and noticed that the guns that Gary had stored here because he was afraid of Darryl breaking into his house and getting the guns as he had several times previously.We wanted to get in touch with Gary at work but were told by Sharon that we couldn’t because he was out in the field. We wanted to ask Gary if he had come to our house and retrieved the guns. Helen called Gary at home repeatedly and around 5:00 PM he finally called us back when he got home from work. I told him the guns were missing and he told me that he hadn’t taken them and to call the police. I called the Merritt Island Sheriff’s office and they sent a Deputy to our house. I gave the deputy the serial numbers of the guns that were stolen, while I was talking to the deputy Gary called to tell me his truck was missing. I told the deputy that he would be receiving a call about a brown Ford truck that was stolen.The deputy said even though I was the victim of the crime, he had to talk to Gary because he was the owner of the guns. I gave him Gary’s phone number and he left, he called a few minutes later and asked I had another number he could reach Gary at because he didn’t answer the phone I told him that was the only number Gary had and he said “I’ll have to go to his house and talk to him. If you read the newspaper article in this blog you know the rest of the story.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Stop At The Cemetery
Denise and Ray bought a Southern Magnolia tree to be planted in Gary’s name at our new church building while they were down here for Gary’s funeral.
The plaques were put on the memorial trees at our new church building this week, Helen and I took some pictures.

On the way home from church today we decided to stop at the cemetery for the first time and I took some pictures, very sad. Amanda must have been there and left this photograph.

This is a picture taken at Amanda's graduation, Gary was always bragging to me and every else I'm sure, how smart she is. She is, always getting A's on her report cards.