Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas 2008
Christmas 2008 is almost here, this will be our first Christmas without Gary. It will be hard, we always spent Christmas with Gary and his family. It will be a bleak Christmas for us. I was getting the Christmas lights out to decorate the outside of the house and Helen said to me, “don’t bother I just don’t feel like even decorating this Christmas“ I just put a small lighted wreath on the front of the house.
We had a Veterans celebration at the clubhouse in November and we had to leave early, looking at a video of the decorated caskets and hearing taps played was to much for us, we had to go home. We are getting better at putting it all behind us but sometimes the memories flood over us. Helen is sleeping better but she still has to take a sleeping pill occasionally.
Every day we can forget a little longer, the spaces between thinking about Gary get a little further apart. We are coping better every day. We drive by the cemetery where Gary is laid to rest on the way to church once in a while, and all the memories flood back. We don‘t say anything but I know what Helen is thinking and I am thinking the same thing, should we stop. We haven’t visited his grave site yet but we have talked about it, one of these days we will stop.
We praise the LORD for our family, they keep in touch with us and each other frequently, and our church has been so supportive. We have been keeping active and going out to eat and to events with our friends here where we live and at church , that helps a lot. We still get visits from our neighbors and friends here in the park where we live, giving us support and comfort.
Helen & Jack, Gary’s Mom & Dad

Friday, December 12, 2008

Memories of Gary by Denise

Gary And Denise ready to go to Bible School
Gary,Ron, Suzie Harper, Denise,
The girl nextstore & Butch Harper at Nana Harpers on Easter Sunday

From Denise
“I have always wanted to write something in Gary’s memory. It has always been on my mind that there is not an entry from me, his sister. To this day I have not been able to view his blog and read any of the entries from others because of the pain and sadness it brings me. It still leaves me upset for days. Someday I hope to put my feelings in writing for others to read. However, for now I can say that I know what it is to truly have a broken heart.
Gary I love you and miss you.”
Your sister, Nisey
Denise L. Di Filippo